System-neutral function plans
Easy to use &
productive quickly
The flexible VGB R170C compliant alternative
to Excel & Co
Higher flexibility and improved efficiency: logi.DOC is our universal function block diagram toolkit that describes and documents the function and behavior of a plant independent of the system.
Plant manufacturers, plant operators and engineering service providers in a wide range of industries rely on our toolkit as a powerful alternative to Microsoft Excel, Visio or AutoCAD for the creation of function plans.
System requirements
- Windows 10
- Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0 (min. Service Pack 1) und Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.0 (full package) incl. German language pack
- min. 8 GB RAM
- Single-user and network licenses
- Optional: Updates and technical live support for a maintenance fee
Perfect for use in
global teams
Smart Function Block Diagram
- Function diagrams with international, company or user libraries in a single toolkit
- Online navigation
- Automatic cross referencing
- Applicable in all phases of the engineering process
- Multi-language ability in function plans with translation through a translation database
- Cloud-based translation or via Google Translate
Basic and detail
- Synchronisation and comparison with external signal list
- Generation from standard basic and detail engineering tool
- Simple reuse of existing function plans (typicals)
Quality improvement
- Simulations and tests of function plans with a soft PLC for higher quality in FBD documentation
- Import of existing Microsoft Excel and AutoCAD/DXF documents for a unified FBD tool
Re-use and migration
- Import of existing Microsoft Excel and AutoCAD/DXF documents for a unified FBD tool
Intelligent documentation
- Standard-compliant printouts in intelligent PDF through complete navigation from the automatically generated signal cross references

Would you like to know more?
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For more than 30 years we have been developing open, flexible and efficient functionally safe solutions and engineering tools together with our customers and partners.
Do you also want to reach the next level of industrial automation?
Our team of experts looks forward to hearing from you.